Go With The GURU










Book Your All Inclusive Tour to Indian Hair Factories

 Make sure to Join https://www.facebook.com/groups/GlobalBeautyBusiness/ FOR YOUR CHANCE TO WIN A 50% OFF OF YOUR TRIP!



More and more people are looking to travel to India for hair business opportunities and face to face interaction with Indian Hair factories.

Actually visiting the country, can help one quickly gain relevant knowledge and to initiate a profitable business relationship with International partners, even if you are shopping for personal use.

However, if you do not prepare for your trip carefully, your first visit can easily be turned into a wasteful and unproductive experience. We have effective ways to minimize or avoid wasting time and money on your business trip to India.



 I have been traveling alone across the world for many decades now.  I've personally lived in China, and Chennai, Mumbai, and Bangalore, India where I've owned 3 factories and trained a total of 5 in manufacturing and production.  India is my 2nd Home!
My Indian Hair Tours are an invaluable introduction to a cultural experience and the hair industry, all wrapped into one expedition, and made easier to do if you were going alone.
You'll experience India through the eyes of a "Local Foreigner"!  I'll show you how to get around, conduct business in India, product sourcing to avoid costly mistakes, visits to factories and shopping markets.
I share with you the most Important tools and resources needed to make sure your travel is 100% comfortable, which is essential foundation for having success in India.
I want to make your trip a truly productive and amazing experience!

DISCLAIMER... This tour does not include my "PERSONAL TOUR".  Going to my factory would be identified as a "PERSONAL TOUR", and will start after the GROUP TOUR  is completed.  We will spend an additional 3 days, making it at 10 day tour.  I will show you other "factories" that you can do business that you can do business with.

My goals for your trip is to:
✅ Take the fear out of going to a 3rd world country and make your traveling a more comfortable experience, (because it can be downright devastating if you're not prepared).
✅  Make sure you know who you're dealing with before doing business, (most people go to India asking questions to new manufacturers, I go in knowing the answers and can spot a fraud)!
✅ Make sure the Indian factories chosen are viable and sustainable for your businesses growth
✅ Help you to understand the ins & outs of the hair business and make suggestions on what you should be doing here in America
❤️ To give you Full access to Alix Moore - PICK MY BRAIN!                                                                                                                                              

Going with the GURU Alix Moore ensures that your trip will be a success.  Since India is practically my 2nd home, I will make you feel 100% comfortable, in what could be a "different" experience. 

This trip is not for the faint at heart, it's is for those who want to go directly to the source, but most importantly, understand how India works when it comes to manufacturing human hair.


Tours Offered

My Personal Factory Tour

We cater to you exclusively by offering a custom designed tour to my factory with me as your personal guide. Our personal tours are designed so that you are able to compare other factories to our factory (which i the best in the world)!  We let you see what your choices are in the market.   All travel details, along with your itinerary, arrival and departure dates, and any other specific tour details - are customized just for you. Contact us and send your ideas, and we'll design your perfect business-get-a-way. We are committed to making your trip an experience that will last a lifetime!


 Private Factory Tours

Our Private Tours are a great travel option for those wanting to tour as a small group 2, no more than 5.  They are ideal for groups of friends, families and business partners. Our private tours include Alix Moore as your guide, with flexible itineraries and travel dates. Our tours allow you to comfortably do business without worrying about other travelers and their needs.  We go to the factories of your choice, (can only be located in 1 region) , as well as go to ours.  We are committed to making your trip exciting, productive, and memorable. We can customize this tour to accommodate any of your needs. Just contact us and we'll help you with the details to book your Private Business Tour.


Group Business/Factory Tours

This group tour is for up to 10 people. We will cater to ALL needs...to be defined in initial consultation. You will have the opportunity to network with other like-minded men and women.  We will explore a variety of factories and markets, and you'll be able to purchase direct with unbeatable quality and prices. You will 100% build your network and establish personal relationships with factories that can help take your business or ideas to the next level!


Tour Dates

April 20-27th, 2023 (Only 10 Spaces)

Factory & Shopping Tours

August 20-27th 2023 (Only 10 Spaces)

Factory & Shopping Tours

FAQ's About India

Q. What's Included In This Trip?

A.  Price includes: Round trip airfare from New Jersey, 7 days -4-star hotel accommodations or (10 days for the Personal Tour), local transportation while there, additional flight and hotel accommodations while traveling to shopping destinations, tour preparation, Invitation Letter to visit India, consultation, group participation, Get ready for an amazing experience!

Q. How much money should I bring?

Travelers are only allowed to take up to US -$10,000 in or out of the country. How much you bring will vary on how much shopping you want to do. Your flight from New Jersey, hotel accommodations including breakfast, and transportation while there is included in your pricing.  You will only need money for lunch, dinner and shopping if applicable. 

Q. What happens after I book my Indian expedition?

 A.  You will receive an immediate email that will detail the next steps to take to get you prepared for your upcoming trip.

Q. Is this trip for me?

A. This trip is for those who want to really want to understand the culture, visit some "factories", and take photos. India is very secretive with their behind the scenes manufacturing, (they really don't want us to see how they do it so we won't learn how to ourselves), but remember you can to manufacturer yourself as well.

I'm not gonna lie, you do not need to go to India to find good hair. You are really coming for the experience to say that you've been there, so it makes you more credible when selling hair to your clients 

Q. Is India Safe?

India is a very safe country overall, but like anywhere, you must always be aware of your surroundings. 

Q. Should I be Worried About the Corona Virus?

A. Well, it's definitely a concern, however I still take precautionary measures and wear my masks. It is recommended to get your vaccinations before coming, but just in case you feel the need to be extra cautious, the recommended vaccines for traveling to India are Hepatitis A, Typhoid and Tetanus and Diphtheria and Malaria. 

Q. Can I bring hair back with me?

A. Yes you can.  We will discuss the details in our group. 

Q. What is Personal Space In India Like?

A. India is a crowded place, and the locals have become accustomed to a much smaller personal space than we are accustomed to in the west. Don’t be surprised if you’re jostled or shoved, or stood next too (real close) when queuing – it’s just part of Indian culture.

Indian Shopping Experience

If you've ever wandered what good old fashion Indian Shopping is like, we will experience some shopping that will blow your mind!  You'll be amazed at the beautiful fabrics, jewelry, clothing and handbags they make.  Afterr we finish with the business, get ready to have some fun!

Are You in Business and Want to Finance Your Trip? Apply Here